March 16, 2016 was a very special day in Sacramento, California. In addition to celebrating Agriculture Day, we were also going to celebrate "someone" very special.
For several days prior, the weather in Sacramento had been cloudy and gloomy. However, March 16, 2016, was to be a VERY special day in Sacramento, California. As if someone had ordered the perfect weather - the sun came out and cast its golden light across the city. The stark contrast of the beautiful white landmark, our Capitol Building, against the brilliant blue skies above, painted the perfect backdrop for what would be a memorable day for a very special man.
The morning offered a celebration of our State's diverse agriculture community. Hundreds of guests visited a several displays, demonstrations, and exhibits put on by various groups and agricultural organizations.
Right about noon, guests gathered around the flower lined stage, to be welcomed to the festivities by the Master of Ceremonies. Our very own Miss Rodeo California, Rachel Owens-Sarno, accompanied by several other California Circuit Rodeo Queens, led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, addressed the guests in front of her and introduced the legislators and dignitaries seated on the stage behind her. Seated among those legislators and dignitaries was a truly remarkable and special guest, who unbeknownst to him, was about to be honored.

Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture addressing AG Day guests
The Honorable Cathleen Galgiani, Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, along with the Honorable Bill Dodd, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, approached the microphone. It was at this time, they introduced this exceptional man we have been referring to - a man who was to be the recipient of a State Legislative Resolution - Mr. Bob Fox. As Mr. Fox approached the front of the stage, he was greeted by Assemblyman Dodd as State Senator Galgiani began to read the Resolution (and it is as follows).

Assemblyman Bill Dodd, Mr. Bob Fox, Senator Cathleen Galgiani
Resolution – California Legislature
By the Honorable Cathleen Galgiani, Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, and the Honorable Bill Dodd, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture; Relative to Commending Bob Fox.
Whereas, Bob Fox, a distinguished California resident, has brought credit and distinction to himself through his career and civic achievements, and through his many activities, he has contributed immensely to the State’s agricultural industry, and it is appropriate at this time to highlight his many accomplishments and extend to him special honors and the highest commendations; and
Whereas, A 1964 graduate of Humboldt State University, Bob Fox, worked for the State of California as a loyal public servant for more than 25 years, during which time he served as Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Fish and wildlife, in numerous leadership roles at Cal Expo, and as Undersecretary and Director of the Division of Animal Industry at the California Department of Food and Agriculture; and
Whereas, While serving as Deputy Manager and Director of Horse Racing at Cal Expo, Bob Fox was responsible for the interim events program and ably managed the annual State Fair horse racing meets, and
Whereas, Following his tenure in the public service sector, Bob Fox has continued to dedicate his time and efforts to representing the interests of the greater agricultural community, with a specific focus on the equine industry; and
Whereas, In addition to his extensive work in government relations, Bob Fox works closely with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Horse Racing Board, the Veterinary Medical Board, and has expertise and leadership as a member of multiple horse racing, rodeo, fair, and equine-related organizations to educate the industry about the importance of equine health and management, and
Whereas, Bob Fox has been instrumental in his efforts to bring horses and integrate the sport of rodeo into the annual California Agriculture Day at the State Capitol, and thanks in part to his tireless advocacy and participation, this event has successfully educated California legislators and their staff about the importance of agriculture; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY SENATOR CATHLEEN GALGIANI, CHAIR OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, AND ASSEMBLY MEMBER BILL DODD, CHAIR OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. That they join with Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, in commending Bob Fox for his immeasurable contributions to the success of California Agriculture Day and the State agricultural industry, and convey their best wishes for his continued success in the future.
Joint Members Resolution No. 118
Dated this 16th day of March, 2016
Ever the humble man, Mr. Fox accepted his Resolution with a tip of his hat to a crowd who were all on their feet applauding the many accomplishments of this extraordinary man.
Congratulations Mr. Fox! Thank you for all you do!!
- Mr. Bob Fox and Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture
- Mr. Johnny Zamrzla, Mr. Bob Fox, Mrs. Fox
- Reno Rosser, Alejandro Galindo, Mr. Bob Fox, Johnny Zamrzla, Cotton Rosser
(photos by Shawna Nelson-Showdown Rodeo/CCF)