Welcome Back - The Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo!!!! Starts tonight - June 3 & 4, 2016
After an 8 year hiatus, please help us in welcoming back the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo and join us in thanking the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo Committee who have worked so hard to see this wonderful rodeo event return to their home town - and, it is just in time for the City's 5th birthday.
The Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo starts tonight (Friday, June 3, 2016) - Second performance is Saturday, June 4, 2016. For all event information, please visit their website and their Facebook Page - Be sure to give them a "Like".
Editors Note: The Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo is part of the PRCA California Circuit. The PRCA/WPRA California Circuit Finals Rodeo will be held October 7 & 8, 2016, at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster, California. The top 12 PRCA CA Circuit Cowboys and Cowgirls, in each event, will rope and ride for the Circuit Championships and Year End Championships at this event. For more info, please visit website /Facebook (we would love for you to give us a "Like").

Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo - June 3 & 4, 2016
Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping - PRCA Cowboys and WPRA Cowgirls will be tearing up the historic Rick Thompson Arena in Jurupa Valley! Who will be your Rodeo Winners! Be there to root on your favorite cowboys and cowgirls! Be sure to stay after rodeo for a dance each night!
The following is an excerpt from the Press Enterprise Newspaper (writer Sandra Stokley) about the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo:
"...Just in time for the city’s fifth birthday, Jurupa Valley on Friday and Saturday will welcome back one of its signature events, the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo, after an eight-year hiatus.
Rodeo veteran Laura Bakewell announced last summer that she planned to revive the event, which fell victim in 2009 to the Great Recession.
Last week, the Rick Thompson Arena – the rodeo’s historic venue – was a hub of activity as vendors delivered bleachers, livestock corrals, bucking chutes and other structures while volunteers picked up trash and prepared the arena surface.
“The community missed the rodeo,” Bakewell said. “It was a time when we would get together and work as a team. It brought us all together.”
Bob Laurence is co-organizer. Although he lives in Bellflower, Laurence is a rodeo fan and has been involved with rodeos in Lake Elsinore, Norco, Temecula and Hesperia. He also worked on the Jurupa Community Rodeo in years past."
For full article, please visit link
Your Miss Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo is Amanda Hop. Amanda has been busy over the past couple of months promoting the rodeo where she will reign. Congratulations Amanda and thank you for all you do for the sport of professional rodeo, the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo, and thank you for being such a wonderful role model. Thank you Dan Cleveland ( website ) for allowing us to use this beautiful photo of Miss Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo.

Miss Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo 2016 - Amanda Hop (photo by Dan Cleveland)
The Honeycutt Rodeo Company ( website / Facebook ) has been working hand in hand with the committee to have everything ready for the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo. They will also provide all of the animal athletes for the rodeo.
PRCA Photographer, Gene Hyder ( website / Facebook ), will capture all of the memories from the Jurupa Valley Pro Rodeo! Be sure to check out his website and social media for official photos.
Good luck to all of the contestants!!!!! Safe travels to all !
See you in October for the RAM PRCA CA Circuit Finals Rodeo ( website / Facebook ) which will be held October 7th (one performance) and October 8th (two performances and awards ceremony), 2016 - in Lancaster, CA ( website/ Facebook ) - at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds ( website / Facebook ). Thank you for your support!
If you, or your business, are interested in sponsoring the 2016 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo, please contact Dawn Babers ( [email protected]).