It is time for the 73rd Annual Stonyford Rodeo at the Brother Moore Arena in Stonyford, California - April 30th and May 1st, 2016!!
Editors Note: The Stonyford Rodeo is part of the PRCA California Circuit. The PRCA/WPRA California Circuit Finals Rodeo will be held October 7 & 8, 2016, at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster, California. The top 12 PRCA CA Circuit Cowboys and Cowgirls, in each event, will rope and ride for the Circuit Championships and Year End Championships at this event. For more info, please visit website /Facebook (we would love for you to give us a "Like").
Come join in all of the family fun and non-stop professional rodeo action at the 73rd Annual Stonycreek Rodeo! This year's rodeo is dedicated to Kim and Randy Richardson!
For all information about the Stonyford Rodeo, please visit their website and Facebook.

73rd Annual Stonyford Rodeo - April 30 & May 1, 2016
Your PRCA Rodeo Announcer will be Don Jesser - He will call all of the rodeo action and keep rodeo fans abreast of what is happening in the arena with all of our cowboys and cowgirls!

Don Jesser Professional Rodeo Announcer - photo by Jacob Nelson
Your Specialty Act will be Clint "Wolfy" Selvester ( Facebook ). The Growney Brothers Rodeo Company ( website / Facebook ) will provide the animal athletes for the 73rd Annual Stonyford Rodeo. Haley Bridwell will be your Rodeo Secretary; Haley Bridwell and Molly Twitchell will be your Rodeo Timers. Anita Jesser will be your Sound Engineer.
Good luck to all of the contestants and safe travels to all !!
See you in October for the RAM PRCA CA Circuit Finals Rodeo ( website / Facebook ) which will be held October 7th (one performance) and October 8th (two performances and awards ceremony), 2016 - in Lancaster, CA ( website/ Facebook ) - at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds ( website / Facebook ). Thank you for your support!