Presenting your 2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo Average Winners!
The 2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo was held at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds, Lancaster, CA on October 17 & 18, 2015. Due to devastating rain storms, mud slides, road closures, and power outages in and around our Antelope Valley communities, there was no other option but to postpone the first performance of the Finals Rodeo (which was scheduled for October 16, 2015). We thank all of our contestants, volunteers, sponsors, contract personnel, families & friends, and, of course, all of our rodeo fans, for their support and patience as we dealt with all of the issues surrounding this massive storm, keeping the safety of our animal athletes, contestants, and fans as our first priority. As always, the cowboy way came into play, and with everyone's assistance, we were able to get it done! We would also like to acknowledge the Showdown Rodeo Committee for their non-stop commitment to our Finals Rodeo.
Please join us in congratulating all of the contestants for giving their fans what they wanted - Championship Rodeo Action - and we would like to now proudly present your 2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo Average Winners!
All Around Cowboy
Ryle Smith
Oakdale, California
Bareback Riding
R.C. Landingham
Pendleton, OR
Bull Riding
Dalton McMurtrie
Inyokern, CA
Ladies Barrel Racing
Jolee Lautaret-Jordan
Kingman, AZ

2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo - Average Winner - Jolee Lautaret-Jordan - Ladies Barrel Racing
Saddle Bronc Riding
Justin Lawrence
Sanger, CA

2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo Average Winner - Justin Lawrence - Saddle Bronc Riding
Steer Wrestling
Sterling Lambert
Fallon, NV
Tie Down Roping
Ryle Smith
Oakdale, CA
Team Roping - Header
Lane Karney
Creston, CA
Team Roping - Heeler
Jordan Ketscher
Squaw Valley, CA
See you in Kissimmee, Florida for the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo, April 7-10, 2016!!!!. For more info, please visit

Next Stop - RNCFR in Kissimmee, Florida! April 7-10, 2016 -
To learn more about the RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo, please visit website / Facebook.