The Lakeside Rodeo Arena is ready to welcome rodeo fans for the 50th Annual Lakeside Rodeo happening this weekend, April 25 - 27, 2014. Lakeside Rodeo enjoys a rich history, steeped in western traditions - The entire community looks forward to attending and supporting their rodeo year after year. Lakeside Rodeo is part of the PRCA California Circuit.
There is so much going on this weekend in addition to the rodeo - Western Days Breakfast, Western Days Parade, Stick-Horse Racing, and so much more. Please take a moment to visit their website and Facebook to learn about all the exciting events surrounding the Lakeside Rodeo.
The world renowned and award winning PRCA Specialty Act of the year (2007, 2012, 2013), Tomás Garcilazo will be in the arena to entertain Lakeside Rodeo fans. Tomás' skilled horsemanship and roping artistry define him as one of the finest Charros presenting La Charrería today ( website / Facebook ).
Miss Rodeo Lakeside 2014, Rachel Sarno-Owens will reign over the Lakeside Rodeo. PRCA Rodeo Announcer, Don Jesser will ensure rodeo fans know what is going on in the arena during all of the rodeo events! Barrelman - Kevin Higley, Bullfighters - Rick Moffatt and Mitch Coleman, and Pick-up Men - Cody Mora and Jake Twisselman will be on hand to help keep those cowboys and animal athletes safe. Susie Mills will be the Rodeo Secretary and Sharon DelaGrange and Mary Burgen will be the Rodeo Timers. Big Stone and Moreno & Growney will be the Stock Contractors.

Miss Rodeo Lakeside 2014 - Rachel Owens-Sarno (photo by Geri Goodale - Reminisce Photography and Design)
Wishing lots of luck and safe travels to all of the Contestants!! Thank you rodeo fans for supporting the sport of Professional Rodeo.
We hope to see you in October for the PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo ( website / Facebook ), which will be held October 17th (performance 1) and October 18th (two performances and awards ceremony), 2014 - Lancaster, CA, at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. We thank you for your support! You can follow us on Facebook by giving us a "Like".
To learn more about the PRCA, please visit website. To learn more about the WPRA, please visit website.