"The Biggest One-Day PRCA Rodeo in the Nation"!! Where? Glennville, California - 30 miles north northwest of Bakersfield, California. When? This Sunday - June 7, 2015. Who will be there? So many of the best PRCA Cowboys and PRCA Cowgirls - and lots and lots of rodeo fans to cheer them on!
The RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the Glennville Round-Up for their sponsorship of the 2014 PRCA Circuit Finals Rodeo! Your support is invaluable!
There is so much fun in store for the whole family! First thing Sunday morning, head on out for Cowboy Church which will be followed by the parade. This year's Grand Marshall will be Mr. Joe Trahan! Mr. Trahan has been the Glennville Round-Up Rodeo Chairman for many years. He is very active in his community and works tirelessly to bring the community together for the Glennville Round-Up! He is also a military veteran. Thank you Mr. Trahan for all you do!! After the parade - its over to the Greenhorn Mountain Veteran Arena for the 67th Annual Glennville Round-Up (a PRCA California Circuit Rodeo). Cowboys and Cowgirls will be roping and riding and giving it all they have got! They are waiting for you to come cheer them on!
For all event information surrounding the Glennville Round-Up, please visit their website and their Facebook - Don't forget to give them a "Like" on Facebook and follow them all year long.

Miss Rodeo Glennville 2014 - Calli Grant - presenting her rodeo's flag at the 2014 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo
We would like to thank Miss Rodeo Glennville 2014, Calli Grant, for her assistance at the 2014 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo ( website/ Facebook )! You did a wonderful job and you were/are a true ambassador for both the Glennville Round-Up and the sport of professional rodeo. Your 2015 Miss Rodeo Glennville will be crowned Sunday! You can follow Miss Rodeo Glennville on Facebook!
PRCA Rodeo Announcer, Steve Goedert (website / Facebook ) will call all of the action going on inside the arena for the 67th Annual Glennville Round-Up. He will keep rodeo goers abreast of everything the cowboys and cowgirls are doing!
Your Barrelman will be Joey "Hashbrown" Hackett ( Facebook / Instagram ). He, along with Donny Castle, Chance Jackson, Bronc Boehnlein ( Facebook ) , Jeff Shearer ( Facebook ), and Jake Twisselman (your Bullfighters and Pick-Up Men) will be in the arena to keep our cowboys and animal athletes safe.
The Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls (website / Facebook ) will be the featured PRCA Specialty Act. World Renowned - you are not going to want to miss them in action!
Your PRCA Photographer for the 67th Annual Glennville Round-Up will be Dale Miller ( website / Facebook ). Be sure to check out his website and social media for official photos of the rodeo!
The Flying U Rodeo (Website / Facebook) will provide all of the animal athletes for the Glennville Round-Up. Cindy Rosser ( website / Facebook ) will be your PRCA Rodeo Secretary and will ensure a smooth running operation. Your PRCA Rodeo Timers will be Karin Rosser and Robin Yerxa - they will be on hand for all of the timed events.
Good luck to all of the contestants! Safe travels to all !
See you in October for the RAM PRCA CA Circuit Finals Rodeo which will be held October 16th (one performance) and October 17th (two performances and awards ceremony), 2015 - in Lancaster, CA ( website/ Facebook ) - at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds ( website / Facebook ). Thank you for your support!
If you, or your business, are interested in sponsoring the 2015 RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo, please contact Dawn Babers ( [email protected]).