This is such a great opportunity to introduce you to a "Man Behind the Scenes" because it is a special day for him and those around him - Please join us in sending out great big "Happy Birthday Wishes" to Johnny Lee Zamrzla!

Mr. Johnny Lee Zamrzla
Yes, that name may look and sound familiar - Please meet Johnny Lee Zamrzla. Carrying on the traditions and values instilled in him by his parents , Johnny and Pam Zamrzla, Johnny Lee works hard, plays hard, and like his father, his handshake is his word.

Johnny Lee Zamrzla (Rafter Z Rodeo Company) and Mr. Johnny Zamrzla (CCF President)
Johnny Lee, for many years, has always shared his expertise to the Showdown Rodeo (and now the California Circuit Finals Rodeo) behind the scenes. You wonder how those arenas and chutes magically appear out of no where? Well, he is the man that makes that happen. Days before rodeo starts, you will find Johnny Lee and his team hauling in panels, chutes, railings, corrals, water, trailers - and putting it all together. Once the arena is up, then it is time to prepare the grounds. With a expertise in arena/ground watering, Johnny Lee ensures the grounds are prepared and maintained with the specific goal of ensuring the protection of our contestants and our animal athletes. He takes great pride in ensuring that our Cowgirls are a priority for their barrel racing.

Johnny Lee Zamrzla and Mr. Jim Ritchea - What a Team!!
Johnny Lee, along with his beautiful wife, Jeanette, enjoy living the western way of life. Together with their kids and grandkids, they enjoy trail riding, camping, hunting, and of course, fishing. They also raise Mules and have a great time breeding, training, and riding these beautiful animals.

Jeanette and Johnny Lee Zamrzla (Supervisor Michael Antonovich Trail Ride 2015)
There to always help and to share a great story (especially about how big those fish were he caught!) - you can count on him for anything! And you can always tell when he is up to something, because he always has that twinkle in his eye.

Sharing Stories
Johnny Lee is also very active in our community supporting charitable organizations and events. One organization that he donates a lot of his time to, is the California High School Rodeo Association. Many weekends he can be found getting the arena set up for High School Rodeo - and you will also find him transporting the "Rafter Z Rodeo Co" animal athletes. From Ridgecrest to Bishop, and places in between, Johnny Lee ensures the animal athletes are transported safely to and from events.

CHSRA District 9 Rodeo - Bishop 2015
He spends a lot of his time with the CHSRA District Nine Cowboys and Cowgirls. Watchful eyes help ensure the young riders' safety and he is always willing to mentor and lend a helping hand. This past March (as well as in year's past), Johnny Lee and his crew was presented special awards by the CHSRA D9 - for just that - All of their help, support, mentorship, and care.

CHSRA District 9 Awards Ceremony - 2016
Thank you Johnny Lee for all you, and your family, do for the Showdown Rodeo, the RAM PRCA California Circuit Finals Rodeo, The California High School Rodeo Association, and for all you do to support our community! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays and here's to many more!

Michelle Lewis (Showdown Rodeo Committee Member), Johnny Lee Zamrzla, and Miss Rodeo California 2014, Ondrea Edwards