RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA - The California Circuit Finals Rodeo Board of Directors met on January 27, 2012.


PRCA Commissioner Karl Stressman

The meeting began by returning to the Red Bluff Round-Up headquarters, where a year ago, a task force of those concerned with the future of the California Circuit had met. This year, the meeting, held during the Red Bluff Gelding and Bull Sale, started on Friday, January 27, 2012, at 1:00 p.m., with a catered lunch. According to President Johnny Zamrzla, we had a growing list of those calling and wanting to attend when word got out that special guests, Commissioner Karl Stressman and John Davis, Director of Member Relations, would be attending from PRCA Headquarters in Colorado Springs. According to Zamrzla, we kept receiving phone calls from interested California rodeo committees and associates, and were pleasantly surprised when we ended up with more than thirty attendees.

Jeff Davis, Vice President

After lunch, Vice President Jeff Davis made some opening remarks and extended his compliments to the 2011 Circuit Board for their successful finals held in October 2011.
He then introduced and turned the meeting over to President Zamrzla, who also welcomed and thanked everyone for the extraordinary turnout, thanked the Red Bluff Round-Up for hosting the meeting and stated there would be a presentation by Commissioner Stressman on PRCA/Circuit business, followed by a presentation by Bob Fox on animal welfare, rodeo, and promoting the Circuit.The following day, Saturday, January 28th, the Six-Pac Rodeo Committee met and Stressman, Davis, Fox, and Zamrzla were invited guests. All spoke during the Six Pac regular meeting and Zamrzla gave a report specific to the state of affairs with the California Circuit Finals Rodeo, dates for 2012, and covered items the Circuit Board is working on.

Robert Fox



In summary, a discussion was had that for the foreseeable future, each year the California Circuit Finals Rodeo Board will meet in Red Bluff during the Red Bluff Gelding and Bull Sale. The annual Circuit meeting will continue to be held during the actual Circuit Finals Rodeo in Lancaster.

President, Johnny Zamrzla